Igniting hearts to be to be on fire for Christ
Impartation Materials
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Our New Book
We are so excited about our new book! You can purchase our book, "It's A Miracle -Book 1," at Amazon. Click the book picture to purchase directly from Amazon. If you purchase the Kindle edition, you can download it and start reading immediately.
This book is about some of the amazing miracles and testimonies in the life and ministry of the Herndons and her father, Jack Coe, Sr. This first book will cover some of the amazing testimonies with more books to follow. We pray this book will encourage and inspire you to grab ahold of faith in God for your healing, deliverance, and salvation in Jesus Christ.
Joanna is gifted with unusually strong gifts of the Holy Spirit to see the physically sick, diseased, and mentally oppressed set free. This God-given mantel of dynamic power is a hallmark of the Jack Coe Senior legacy. Just like her father, Joanna has been blessed with remarkable spiritual gifts, a burden for the lost, and a reckless faith in God's willingness to pour out His Spirit today, just like He did over 2,000 years ago.
As is customary of a 'Coe', Joanna boldly confronts and rebukes sin while emphasizing the joy, peace, and delivering grace available through repentance and faith towards Christ Jesus. This book by the Herndons will stir your Faith in Christ to apprehend from God what you have never apprehended before!
Our Products
If you are looking for a gift that will bless someone and support our ministry, come see us. (View our schedule). Your purchases help keep us on the road reaching people.
Wherever we travel, we offer books, CDs, DVDs, witnessing tools and various other things.
We pray over our products before we put them out on our table. That means that they are considered impartation materials-- Give them to someone in need of healing or miracle, as a Point of Contact.
Call ahead of time, please.
Because we are traveling ministers, our stock can run low or be depleted. If you are looking for something specific, please call. We want you to be assured that you will receive what you are looking for, or give you an alternate suggestion.
Also, calling ahead can help us know what to replenish of our stock, so that we are able to assure that we have what your need.
Moreover, you can send us your prayer request, so we can pray specifically for the need of the person(s) needing the impartation material.
Prayer cloths are available, at your request, too.
What you may find on our back table:
You may purchase some things as package deals, or individually.